Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Pics!!! Finally...

Let's see how this works... Here are some pics with my new camera when we were at Perry Park on a picnic with my mom. I'm still learning... There are many terms I'm not familiar with in the area of photography. I love that it has a sports mode where if the button is held down it takes consecutive pictures while the subject is in motion as to not miss anything and get the best picture possible during an event or action. Very cool... :)

Blah Blah Blog

I definitely need to update this blog... It just hasn't been a priority lately. The last few months have been spent recovering from my last belly surgery and getting used to my own place, an apartment not to small and not too big but perfect for my five kids and myself. I have painted the kitchen and dining room sort of a yellow honey tea color. Thursday I will tape the living room and hallway to prepare for painting again. I love color!! It makes me feel alive! A medium brown for the hall and a green olive color for the living room. Taping is the worst part, though, well that and the brush painting around the windows, switches, and perimeter. Once it's time for the roller it goes so much faster. The impatient person that I am has to see progress or frustration starts to take over... I have some canvases also that I would like to paint. It's been so long. One of these days when the kids are at their dad's house I might just drag out the oils and be creative for a few hours. This place needs some personality! I love it though. It's clean, uncluttered, and my own space. We have everything we need and it's cozy.

Surgery was beneficial, finally. It was only supposed to be a belly surgery, laporoscopy, so they went in through my belly button, again, and two other places on each side but then realized there was too much scar tissue from all of the other surgeries so they had to open me up. I've never had a c-section but I guess that's what it looked like. I woke up with 14 staples across my belly between my hips in addition to the three little inch long incisions I thought I would only have. After the doc took the last of what was left inside along with the mass and moved my bowels back where they're supposed to be, I am pain free and everything has resumed to it's normal function. It's been a little over 6 weeks now and I think I may try to run on Monday. I've been lifting some weights at the gym and riding the bike but I have been released with no restrictions now so it's time to bust my ass in the gym before bathing suit season. I'm gonna be that hot mom at the beach this year. (laughing...)

As far as the divorce, it's pending... Some days it's easy and some are the hardest I've had to endure yet in my lifetime. The kids are getting used to this new lifestyle, some more slowly than others... Just have to keep smiling and stay positive. Things will be good.

Although I am by no means technologically impaired I have noticed that there hasn't been even one picture posted in this blog. So... since I just purchased a new Nikon I will have to remedy that very soon... like tonight! :)